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The Hand of Fatima Route

Fecha: 14-05-2015 - 02h00
Modif.: 14-05-2015 - 20h14
Enlace completo: Hand of Fatima Route&cod=2061

Capileira, Bubión, Trévelez, Los Berchules, Cadiar, Bubión, Capileira

Precio:  €
Oferta: 0,00 €

DAY 1. CAPILEIRA. Welcoming and introduction of the guide. Dinner and accommodation at the hotel Finca Los Llanos*** in Capileira.

DAY 2. BUBIÓN – TREVÉLEZ.Drive to the riding centre in Bubión (2 Km away from Capileira). Introduction of the horses. Always along bridle paths, we start climbing and then descend to the village of Pórtugos, where we will take the track that later on will lead us to Trevélez where we will have lunch. We will ride through an oak forest and descend to Trevélez by a bridle path. During the ride there are some opportunities for gallops. This village, famous for its hams, is considered the highest one in Spain (1,700m). Lunch at the Mesón del Jamón. There will be the opportunity to visit some of the ham drying houses. Dinner and accommodation at the hotel La Fragua **A five hour ride.

DAY 3. TREVÉLEZ – LOS BÉRCHULES. After crossing the bridge over the river, we will start this route by a bridle path that climbs the left slope of the ravine, leaving behind the village from which it takes its name. Riding down to Los Berchules by a track. Once again we will enjoy the beauty of the Sierra Contraviesa and Sierra Gádor, this time in the province of Almería. On a clear day we will have the view of the Mediterranean Sea and the silhouette of the mountains of Africa in front of us. Arrival to Los Berchules by a bridle path. Dinner and accommodation tonight in a very comfortable, family-run hotel – El Cercado***. Four and a half hours riding

DAY4. LOS BÉRCHULES – CÁDIAR.  From Los Bérchules, we will descend to Narila, small village where, during the Rebellion of Moriscos, King Fernando de Valor was crowned. The ride goes on towards Cádiar village and nearby from the hotel Alquería de Morayma**, where we should arrive just on time for lunch. In the afternoon we will have the opportunity to visit the wine cellar and the olive-oil mill of the Alquería with an explanation of the process to produce the wine and the olive oil. Approximately three hours riding. Dinner and accommodation at the hotel.

DAY 5. CÁDIAR – BUBIÓN. Crossing the Guadalfeo River, we will join the path that will lead us to Lobras, Nieles and Càstaras. We will continue until we reach the impressive gorge of Las Carihuelas de Busquístar, where we will descend to cross the Trevélez river, and we will follow the path which leads to the village of Busquístar for lunch. After lunch two more hours riding to Bubión. A six hour ride. Dinner and accommodation at the hotel Finca Los Llanos*** in Capileira.

DAY 6. CAPILEIRA – GRANADA - CORDOBA. After breakfast, transfer to Granada where you will have the option to visit the Alhambra or to have a sightseeing tour at the l’Albaicín, the old part of Granada. Transfer in the afternoon to Cordoba. Dinner and accommodation at the rural houses of Cuevas del Pino in Villarrubia, 12Km from Cordoba and hidden in a valley in the foothills of the Sierra Morena.

JOUR 7. CORDOBA. After breakfast transfer to Finca La Almuzara (2 Km away from Villarrubia),  where we will have the choice for  a three hours  ride with P.R.E. (Spanish Pure Breed) and see the bulls of Pajuna beside the famous ruined walls of Medina Azahara, a magic city built by the Caliph Adb al-Rahman II in the X century. After lunch, transfer to Cordoba for sightseeing in the old part of Cordoba, the Royal Stable and the Mosque. Farewell dinner in the old part of Cordoba and accommodation at the rural houses of Cuevas del Pino in Villarrubia,

JOUR 8. CORDOBA – GRANADA. After breakfast  transfer to Finca La Almuzara  for a 2 hour ride. After a picnic-lunch, transfer to the airport.

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